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Keiichi HISAEDA, Naomi OHTA, Naoki YAMAMOTO, Akira GOTO, Yoichi INOUE, Yasunori SHINOZUKA, Naoki SUZUKI, Naoki ISOBE (2025) Relationship of teat canal score to milk somatic cell count, pathogen infection, and antimicrobial components in Holstein dairy cows. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science in press
Rin Furukido, Takeshi Tsuka, Yuzo Kurokawa, Naoki Isobe, Naoki Suzuki (2025) Association of iron-acquisition-related genes and milk lactoferrin concentration with the growth of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in milk of dairy cows. Microbial Pathogenesis 200:107372 PubMed
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Hisaeda K, Hirano M, Suzuki N, Isobe N (2024) Colchicine can keep the viability of bacteria in mastitic milk by preventing leukocyte phagocytosis in dairy cow and goat. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11:1469586. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1469586 Frontier
Nishimura Keiko; Hirabayashi Haruhi; KAWASHIMA Kenji; Okimura Tomoko; Suzuki Akitsu; Asakuma Sadaki; Isobe Naoki, Obitsu Taketo; Kusgibiki Shiro; Sugino Toshihisa,(2024) Effect of medium-chain fatty acids supplementation on feed intake, rumen fermentation, blood profile, and milk production of dairy cows in the transition period. Journal of Dairy Science
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Harada R, Nii T, Suzuki N, Isobe N (2024) Effect of low milking frequency on the concentration of antimicrobial proteins in goat milk. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 272: 110774 ScienceDirect
Brilian Pamungkas, Wataru Asao, Satoshi Nakai, Takahiro Nii, Wataru Nishijima, Takehiko Gotoh, Toshikazu Suenaga, Nurlaili Humaidah, and Masaoki Tsudzuki (2024) Application of Eco-feed Produced by Aurantiochytrium sp. L3W Using Solid Food Waste for Producing Hirodai-dori Products containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. In press.
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Yoshimura Y, Nii T, Isobe N (2024) Training of the innate immune system in chickens for improved defense against pathogens: A review. Journal of Poultry Science 61:2024008. doi: 10.2141/jpsa.2024008.
Liang ZL, Kodama N,Isobe N (2024) Effect of mastitis during early-stage pregnancy on the immunity levels and pregnancy function of goats. Animal Reproduction Science 262: 107430 ScienceDirect
Tsugami Y, Suzuki N, Nii T, Isobe N (2024) Effect of sodium butyrate treatment at the basolateral membranes on the tight junction barrier function via a monocarboxylate transporter in goat mammary epithelial cells. Experimental Cell Research 436(1): 113944 Science direct 10.1016/j.yexcr.2024.113944
Son J, Suzuki N, Nii T, Isobe N (2024) Effect of different inflammation states on the antimicrobial components in milk of goat udders after milking cessation. Animal Science Journal 95(1) e13926. Wiley
Suzuki N, Harada R, Tsugami Y, Nii T, Isobe N (2024) Concentrations of antimicrobial components in milk at dry off and postpartum and their relationships to new high somatic cell counts at quarter level in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Research 91(1):70-72 JDR
Tsugami Y, Nii T, Isobe N (2024) Effects of topical application of resveratrol on tight junction barrier and antimicrobial compound production in lactating goat mammary glands. Veterinary Research 55: 20 BMC
Murayama K, FukuiT, Isobe N, Oba M, Sugino T (2024) Effects of tributyrin supplementation in calf starter on growth, blood parameters and development of rumen and small intestine in Holstein calves fed milk replacers with different fatty acid profile. Animal Feed Science and Technology 308: 115883 Science direct
Suzuki N, Purba FY, Inagawa H, Hattori Y, Isobe N (2023) Effects of oral administration of lipopolysaccharide derived from Pantoea agglomerans on innate immunity of mammary glands in dairy goats. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 265(11): 110664 (PubMed)
Jaisue J, Nii T, Suzuki N,Sugino T, Isobe N (2023) Effect of intramammary lipopolysaccharide challenge after repeated intrauterine infusion of lipopolysaccharide on the inflammation status of goat mammary glands. Theriogenology 212:104–110 (PubMed) doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2023.09.006.
Kobayashi K, Han L, Lu SN, Ninomiya K, Isobe N, Nishimura T (2023) Effects of hydrostatic compression on milk production-related signaling pathways in mouse mammary epithelial cells. Experimental Cell Research 431(1): 113762 Science Direct
Tsugami Y, Kobayashi K, Nii T, Isobe N (2023) Potential effects of gingerol topical application on components of the innate immunity in lactating goat mammary glands. Innate Immunity : 29(7):135-149. (PubMed) doi: 10.1177/17534259231191252
Elhamouly M, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y, (2023) Aging-associated increased nitric oxide production is a potential cause of inferior
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Nii T, Shinkoda T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y, (2023) Intravaginal injection of Lactobacillus johnsonii may modulates oviductal microbiota and mucosal barrier function of laying hens. Poultry Science 102(8): 102699 (PubMed) doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2023.102699
Ohno R, Suzuki N, Tsugami Y, Nii T, Kobayashi K, Isobe N, (2023) Menthol application on healthy and inflamed goat udders changes antimicrobial components in milk. Animal Science Journal 94(1):e13832 (PubMed)
Tsugami Y, Nii T, Isobe N (2023) Valine treatment enhances antimicrobial component production in mammary epithelial cells and milk of lactating goats without influencing tight junction barrier. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 28:3 (PubMed)
Suzuki N, Hirano M, Shinozuka Y, Kawai K, Okamoto Y, Isobe N (2022) Effects of ozonized glycerin on inflammation of mammary glands induced by intramammary lipopolysaccharide infusion in goats. Animal Science Journal 93: e13780 PubMed
Suzuki N, Purba FY, Nii T, Isobe N (2022) Effect of 6-n-propyl-2-thiouracil or dexamethasone administration on the responses of antimicrobial components in goat milk to intramammary lipopolysaccharide infusion. Animal Science Journal 93: e13773 PubMed
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Purba FY, Ishimotoa Y, Nii T, Suzuki N, Isobe N (2022) Effect of temporary cessation of milking and estradiol combination on the antimicrobial components in goat milk. Research in Veterinary Science 152: 387–394 ScienceDirect
Yoshimura Y, Nii T, Isobe N (2022) Effects of Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis vaccine and yeast products feeding on the innate immune system in the proventriculus and ileum of broiler chicks . Journal of Poultry Science 60(1): 2023005 J-Stage
Tsugami Y, Tomoyuki Chiba, Tetsu Obayashi, Hidetoshi Higuchi, Atsushi Watanabe,
Isobe N, Kawai K (2022) Differences in antimicrobial components between bacterial culture-positive and -negative bovine clinical mastitis milk. Animal Science Journal 93:e13771. (PubMed) 10.1111/asj.13771
Tsugami Y, Nakayama S, Suzuki N, , Nii T, Isobe N, (2022) Investigating mammary glands of lactating goats for the presence of tertiary lymphoid organs. Frontiers in Immunology 13:941333 frontiers 10.3389/fimmu.2022.941333
Tsugami Y, Suzuki N, , Nii T, Isobe N, (2022) Sodium acetate and sodium butyrate differentially upregulate antimicrobial component production in mammary glands of lactating goats. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 27(2):133-144 (PubMed) 10.1007/s10911-022-09519-5.
Tsugami Y, Harada R. Suzuki N, , Nii T, Isobe N, (2022) Effects of frequent teat stimulation on antimicrobial component production in mammary glands of lactating goats. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 249:110431. (PubMed) doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2022.110431.
Yoshimura Y, Kondo H, Takamatsu K, Tsugami Y, Nii T, Isobe N, (2022) Modulation of the innate immune system by lipopolysaccharide in the proventriculus of chicks inoculated with or without Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis vaccine. Poultry Science 101(4): 101719 (PubMed) 10.1016/j.psj.2022.101719.
Isobe N, Kurose T, Suzuki N, Koshiishi T, Ueno K, Hisaeda K (2022) Effect of oral administration of colostrum on inflammation in the udders of dairy cows suffering from mastitis. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 84(1):59-63 (PubMed)
Nii T (2022) Relationship between mucosal barrier function of the oviduct and intestine and egg productive system of laying hens. The Journal of Poultry Science 59(2): 105-113 (PubMed)
Suzuki N, Kaneko S, Isobe N (2022) Rapid determination of pathogen in mastitic milk of dairy cows using Gram staining. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 84(3):325-329. (PubMed) 10.1292/jvms.21-0631.
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Shinozuka Y, Suzuki N, Kaneko S, Kawai K, Kurumisawa T, Shimizu Y, Imanishi T, Ohno A, Takahashi M, Isobe N (2022) Regression tree analysis of the relationship between the concentrations of antimicrobial components and the microbiota of normal milk from dairy cows. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 84(3): 310–318 (PubMed) 10.1292/jvms.21-0541.
Tsugami Y, Ishiba Y, Suzuki N, Nii T, Kobayashi K, Isobe N, (2021) Local heat treatment of goat udders influences innate immune functions in mammary glands. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia 26(4):387-397. (PubMed) 10.1007/s10911-022-09509-7
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Nii T, Bungo T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2021) Slight Disruption in Intestinal Environment by Dextran Sodium Sulfate Reduces Egg Yolk Size Through Disfunction of Ovarian Follicle Growth. Frontiers in Physiology 11:607369. (PubMed) doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.607369
Purba FY, Suzuki N, Isobe N (2021) Association of endometritis and ovarian follicular cyst with mastitis in dairy cows. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 83(2): 338-343. (PubMed) doi: 10.1292/jvms.20-0652
Kazuhiro Kawai, Yasuha Kondo, Yasunori Shinozuka, Ryusaku Kawata, Sohei Kaneko, Hidetomo Iwano, Masafumi Enokidani, Aiko Watanabe, Fika Yuliza-Purba, Isobe N and Tomomi Kurumisawa
(2021) Immune response during the onset of coliform mastitis in dairy cows vaccinated with STARTVAC ®. Animal Science Journal 92(1):e13502 (PubMed) doi: 10.1111/asj.13502.
Purba FY, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2020) Translocation of intrauterine-infused bacterial lipopolysaccharides to the mammary gland in dexamethasone-treated goats. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 55:1688-1697. (PubMed) DOI: 10.1111/rda.13820
Shimizu M, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2020) Effects of avian infectious bronchitis/Newcastle disease and Marek's disease vaccinations on the expression of Toll-like receptors and avian β-defensins in the kidneys of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 99(12): 7092-7100
Suzuki N, Kurose T, Kaneko S, Haraguchi A, Isobe N (2020) Outcome prediction from the first examination in clinical mastitis using ultrasonography in dairy cows. Animal Science Journal 91(1): e13452 (PubMed)
Suzuki N, Purba FY, Hayashi Y, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2020) Seasonal variations in the concentration of antimicrobial components in milk of dairy cows. Animal Science Journal 91(1): e13427 (PubMed)
Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2020) Effect of antibiotic treatment on microbial composition and expression of antimicrobial peptides and cytokines in the chick cecum. Poultry Science 99(7):3385-3392. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.03.016. (PubMed)
Isobe N, Matsukawa S, Kubo K, Ueno K, Sugino T, Nii T, Yoshimura Y (2020)Effect of oral administration of colostrum whey to peripartum goat on antimicrobial peptides in postpartum milk. Animal Science Journal 91(1):e13365. (PubMed)
Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2020) Effects of probiotics Lactobacillus reuteri and Clostridium butyricum
on the expression of toll-like receptors, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines,
and antimicrobial peptides in broiler chick intestine. Journal of Poultry Science 57(4):310-318. doi: 10.2141/jpsa.0190098 (PubMed)
Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2020) Effects of Toll-like receptor ligands on the expression of proinflammatory
cytokines and avian β-defensins in cultured chick intestine . Journal of Poultry Science 57(3):210-222. doi: 10.2141/jpsa.0190086.
Nii T, Kakuya H, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2020) Lactobacillus reuteri enhances the mucosal barrier function against
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chicks. Journal of Poultry Science 57(2): 148-159. J-STAGE
Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2020) Intestinal inflammation induced by dextran sodium sulphate causes
liver inflammation and lipid metabolism disfunction in laying hens. Poultry Science 99(3):1663-1677. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2019.11.028. (PubMed)
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barrier function of the digestive tract in broiler chicks. Journal of Poultry Science 57: 67-76, J-STAGE (PubMed)
Purba FY, Ueda J, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2020) Effects of intrauterine infusion of bacterial lipopolysaccharides
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Hisaeda K, Koshiishi T, Sasaki A, Shinozuka Y, Isobe N and Kawai K (2020) Changes in ionized calcium concentration in blood of
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Zhiqun Y, Isobe N, Kawakami S (2019) Effects of Testicular and Non-Testicular Testosterone on Territorial and Isolation-induced Aggressive Behavior of Male Layer Chicks. Journal of Poultry Science: 57(3):236-240 PubMed
Purba FY, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2019) Production of antimicrobial peptide S100A8 in the goat mammary gland and effect of intra-mammary infusion of lipopolysaccharide on S100A8 concentration in milk. Journal of Dairy Science 102(5):4674-4681 (PubMed)
Kang Y, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2019) Effects of Salmonella enteritidis vaccination on the expression
of innate immune molecules and histone modifications in the follicular
theca of laying hens. Journal of Poultry Science 56(4) :298-307 J-STAGE
Kang Y, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2019) Effects of the routine multiple vaccinations on the expression of innate immune
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Elhamouly M, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2019) Age-related modulation of the isthmic and uterine mucosal innate immune defense system in laying hens. Poultry Science 98(7):3022-3028 doi: 10.3382/ps/pez118.(PubMed)
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and grouped-raising. Journal of Poultry Science: 56:290-229 J-stage
Watanabe A, Murakami H, Kakinuma S, Murao K,Ohmae K, Isobe N, Akamatsu H, Seto T, Hashimura S, Konda K, Shinozuka Y, Kawai K (2019)
Association between bovine leukemia virus proviral load and severity of
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and leucocidal suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Small Ruminant Research 168:101-106 (Elsevier)
Elhamouly M, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2018) Expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines
during the ovulatory cycle and effects of aging on their expression in
the uterine mucosa of laying hens. Cytokine 111(Sep):303-308 (PubMed)
Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2018) Changes in the expression of avian β-defensin (AvBDs) and proinflammatory cytokines and localization of AvBD2 in the intestine of broiler embryos and chicks during their growth. Journal of Poultry Science 55(4): 280-287 J-stage
Kang Y , Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2018) Effects of TLR ligands on the expression of cytokines and possible role of NFκB in its process in the theca of chicken follicles. Journal of Poultry Science 55(4): 288-300 (J-stage)
Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2018) Effects of interleukin-1β and -6 on the expression of ion transporters
for mineralization of eggshell in cultured uterine mucosal tissue of hen.
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Shinozuka Y, Kawai K, Sato R, Higashitani A, Ueno D, Okita M, Isobe N (2018) Effect of intramammary lipopolysaccharide infusion on milk pH of uninfused udder in goat. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 80(8):1287-1290 (PubMed)
Matsukawa S, Ueno K, Sugino T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2018) Effects of colostrum whey on immune function in the digestive tract
of goats. Animal Science Journal 89(8):1152-1160 (PubMed)
Elhamouly M, Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2018) Innate antiviral immune response against infectious bronchitis virus and involvement of prostaglandin E2 in the uterine mucosa of laying hens.
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Shinozuka Y, Kawai K, Sato R, Higashitani A, Hamamoto Y, Okita M, Isobe N (2018) Blood ionized calcium levels and acute-phase blood glucose kinetics
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Elgawish RA, Ogata Y, Hidaka T, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2018) Changes in plasma concentrations of S100A7 and S100A8 in dairy
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Elgawish RA, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2018) Microcystin-LR modulates the expression patterns of proinflammatory
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Srisaikham S, Isobe N, Suksombat W (2018) Effects of dietary levels of fresh cassava pulp in
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milk. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 40 (2) 278-289
Huang A, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2017) Changes in localization and density of CD63-positive exosome-like
substances in the hen oviduct with artificial insemination and their effect
on sperm viability. Theriogenology 101: 135-143 PubMed
Elhamouly M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2017) Expression and localization of cyclooxygenases in the oviduct of laying hens during the ovulatory cycle. Theriogenology 101: 1-7 PubMed
Abdel-Mageed AM, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2017) Modulatory roles of proinflammatory cytokines on the expression
of cathelicidins in the lower regions of the oviduct of laying hens. Cytokine 99: 66-72 PuMed
Koshiishi T, Watanabe M, Miyake H, Hisaeda K, Isobe N (2017) Cellular and soluble components decrease the viable pathogen counts in milk from dairy cows with subclinical mastitis. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 79(8): 1389-1393 PubMed
Kuwahara K, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2017) Effect of steroid hormones on the innate immune response induced by Staphylococcus aureus in the goat mammary gland. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 52: 579-584 PubMed
Isobe N (2017) Control mechanisms for producing antimicrobial factors in ruminant mammary gland. Animal Science Journal88(7):937-943 (PubMed)
Kamimura T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2017) Effects of inhibitors of transcription factors, nuclear factor-κB
and activator protein 1, on the expression of proinflammatory cytokines
and chemokines induced by stimulation with Toll-like receptor ligands in
hen vaginal cells. Poultry Science 96:723-730 Journal Site
Mohammed ESI, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2017) Effects of probiotics on the expression of cathelicidins in response
to stimulation by Salmonella Minnesota lipopolysaccharides in the proventriculus
and cecum of broiler chicks. Journal of Poultry Science 53(4): 298-304 J-stage
Yamasaki A, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2017) Changes in the concentrations of somatic cell counts, lingual antimicrobial
peptide and lactoperoxidase activity in milk at periovulatory period in
dairy cows. Animal Science Journal 88(3): 484-488 (PubMed)
Srisaikham S, Isobe N, Suksombat W (2017) The inhibitory effect of sodium thiocyanate and sodium
percarbonate rations on microorganism growth in raw milk samples as an
effective treatment to extend milk quality during storage. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 39(1): 77-89
Srisaikham S, Isobe N, Suksombat W (2017) Extension of raw milk quality through supplementation of hydrocyanic acid from fresh cassava peel in dairy cattle diet. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 39(6): 739-749
Yu GM, Isobe N, Maeda T (2017) Melatonin Does Not Affect Progesterone Basal Secretion
But Suppresses the Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Expression in Granulosa
Cells of Japanese Quail. Journal of Poultry Science 54(4):312-318 J-stage
Yu GM, Isobe N, Maeda T (2017) Protective Effect of Melatonin on LPS-stimulated Granulosa Cells in Japanese Quail. Journal of Poultry Science 54(4):319-325 J-stage
Hirabayashi H, Kawashima K, Okimura T, Tateno A, Suzuki A, Asakuma S, Isobe N, Obitsu T, Kushibiki S, Sugino T (2017) Effect of nutrient levels during
the far-off period on postpartum productivity in dairy cows. Animal Science Journal 88(8):1162-1170 (PubMed)
Hisaeda K, Koshiishi T, Watanabe M, Miyake H, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2016) Change in viable bacterial count during preservation of milk derived from dairy cows with subclinical mastitis and its relationship with antimicrobial components in milk. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 78(8):1245-1250 (PubMed)
Abdel-Mageed AM, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2016) Effects of viral-associated molecular patterns on the expression
of cathelicidins in the hen vagina. Journal of Poultry Science 53: 240-247 (J-stage)
Huang A, Isobe N, Obitsu T, Yoshimura Y (2016) Expression of lipases and lipid receptors in sperm storage tubules
and possible role of fatty acids in sperm survival in the hen oviduct.
Theriogenology 85: 1334-1342 (PubMed)
Srisaikham S, Suksombat W, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2016) Goat cathelicidin-2 is secreted by blood leukocytes regardless of
lipopolysaccharide stimulation. Animal Science Journal 87(3): 423-427 (Pub Med)
Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2015) The effect of estrogen on the early cytotoxic response to IB virus infection in hen oviduct. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 164(1-2): 56-66 (Pub Med)
Yoshimura, Y (2015) Avian β-defensins expression for the innate immune system in hen
reproductive organs. Poultry Science 94: 804-809 (PubMed)
Kawai K, Korematsu K, Akiyama K, Okita M, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2015) Dynamics of lingual antimicrobial peptide, lactoferrin concentrations
and lactoperoxidase activity in the milk of cows treated for clinical mastitis.
Animal Science Journal 86(2), 153-158 (PubMed)
Mohammed ESI, Igarashi Y, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2015) Effects of probiotics on the expression and localization of avian
beta-defensins in the proventriculus of broiler chicks. Journal of Poultry Science 52(1): 57-67(J-stage)
Abdel-Mageed AM, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2014)
Effects of different TLR ligands on the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and avian beta-defensins in the uterine and vaginal tissues of laying hens.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 162 (3-4) 132・41 (Pub Med)
Sugino T, Tateno A, Ueno G, Kawashima K, Okimura T, Hirabayashi H,
Suzuki F, Asakuma S, Kobayashi H, Isobe N, Obitsu T and Kushibiki S
(2014) Effects of calcium salts of medium-chain fatty acids
on plasma metabolite and hormone concentrations
in early lactating dairy cows. Animal Production Science 54, 1699・702
Isobe N, Iwamoto C, Kubota H,Yoshimura Y (2014) Relationship between somatic cell count in milk and reproductive
function in peripartum dairy cows. Journal of Reproduction and Development 60(6):433-437 (Pub Med)
Zhang GW, Lai SJ, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2014) Messenger RNA expression and immunolocalisation of psoriasin in
the goat mammary gland and its milk concentration after an intramammary
infusion of lipopolysaccharide. The Veterinary Journal 202(1): 89-93 Sciencedirect
Lan RX , Liu F, He ZB, Chen C, Liu SJ, Shi Y, Liu YL, Yoshimura Y, Zhang M (2014) Immunolocalization of GnRHRI, gonadotropin receptors,
PGR and PGRMCI during follicular development in the rabbit ovary. Theriogenology81(8): 1139-1147 Sciencedirect
Yoshimura Y, Ahmad M. Abdel Mageed, Nii T, Ariyadi B, Isobe N (2014) Innate immune functions in hen reproductive organs. Avian Biology Research 7 (1): 39-47 Link
Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2014) Effects of avian infectious bronchitis virus antigen on eggshell formation and immunoreaction in hen oviduct. Theriogenology 81(1): 1129-1138 (Sciencedirect)
Zhang GW, Lai SJ, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2014) Expression of cathelicidins mRNA in the goat mammary gland and effect
of the intramammary infusion of lipopolysaccharide on milk cathelicidin-2
concentration. Veterinary Microbiology 170: 125-134 (Sciencedirect)
Ariyadi B, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2014) Toll-like receptor signaling for the induction of mucin expression by lipopolysaccharide in hen vagina. Poultry Science 93(3): 673-679 (Pub Med)
Ariyadi B, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2013) Induction of mucin expression by estrogen and lipopolysaccharide in the lower oviductal segments in hens. Poultry Science 92(12):3205-3213(Pub Med)
Isobe N, Shibata A, Kubota H, Yoshimura Y (2013) Lingual antimicrobial peptide and lactoferrin concentrations and
lactoperoxidase activity in bovine colostrum are associated with subsequent
somatic cell count. Animal Science Journal 84(11): 751-756 (Pub Med)
Zhang GW, Zhang WX, Chen SY, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N, Lai SJ (2013) Dectin-1 gene polymorphism is associated with susceptibility
to non-specific digestive disorders and cytokine expression in rabbits.
. Journal of Animal Science 91(9):4051-4059. (Pub Med)
Sonoda Y, Abdel Mageed AM, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2013) Induction of avian β-defensins by CpG oligodeoxynucleotides and
proinflammatory cytokines in hen vaginal cells in vitro. Reproduction 145(6): 621-631(Pub Med)
Kawai K, Akamatsu H, Obayashi T, Nagahata H, Higuchi H, Iwano H, Oshida
T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2013) Relationship between concentration of lingual antimicrobial peptide
and somatic cell count in milk of dairy cows. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology153(3-4):298-301(Pub Med)
Huang A, Shibata E, Nishimura H, Igarashi Y, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2013) Effects of Probiotics on the Localization of T Cell Subsets in
the Intestine of Broiler Chicks. Journal of Poultry Science 50(3): 275-281 (J-stage)
Ariyadi B, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2013) Expression of tight junction molecule "claudins" in the
lower oviductal segments and their changes with egg-laying phase and gonadal
steroid stimulation in hens. Theriogenology 79(2):211-218 (Pub Med)
Whasun Lim, Wooyoung Jeong, Jinyoung Kim, Yukinori Yoshimura, Fuller W. Bazer, Jae Yong Han and Gwonhwa Song (2013) Expression and
Regulation of Beta-Defensin 11 in the Oviduct in Response to Estrogen and
in Ovarian Tumors of Chickens. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 366(1):1-8.(Pub Med)
Ohira T, Murayama C, Shimizu T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2013) Comparison of cadherin and integrin localization in bovine cystic
and healthy follicles. Animal Science Journal 84(4):303-309 (Pub Med)
Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2013) Effects of Repeated Lipopolysaccharide Stimulation on the Development
of Antigen-presenting Cells and T Cells Pool in Hen Vagina. Journal of Poultry Science 50(1): 83-89. (J-stage)
Zhang M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2013) Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on the Recruitment of T Cells in
the Seminal Tract of Roosters. Journal of Poultry Science 50(1): 68-73. (J-stage)
Abdelsalam M , Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2012) Effects of lipopolysaccharide and interleukins on the expression of avian β-defensisns in hen ovarian follicular tissue . Poultry Science 91(11):2877-2884. (Pub Med)
Zhang M, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2012) Expression of Toll-like receptors and effects of lipopolysaccharide on the expression of
4 proinflammatory cytokines and chemokine in the testis and epididymis of roosters. Poultry Science 91(8):1997-2003. (Pub Med)
Morimoto K, Kanda N, Shinde S, Isobe N (2012) Effect of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli vaccine on innate immune
function of bovine mammary gland infused with lipopolysaccharide. Journal of Dairy Science 95(9): 5067-5074. (Pub Med)
Ariyadi B, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2012) Differences in the Mucosal Surface Barrier Formed by Mucin in the Lower
Oviductal Segments Between Laying and Molting Hens. Poultry Science 91(5):1173-1178.(Pub Med)
Huang YQ, Morimoto K, Hosoda K, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N (2012)
Differential immunolocalization between lingual antimicrobial peptide and lactoferrin in mammary gland of dairy cows. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 145(1-2): 499-504. (Pub Med)
Nii T, Sonoda Y, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2011) Effects of lipopolysaccharide on the expression of proinflamatory cytokines and chemokines and the subsequent recruitment of immunocompetent cells in the oviduct of laying and molting hens. Poultry Science 90(10): 2332-2341. (Pub Med)
Watanabe Y, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2011) Detection of Avian Beta-defensins mRNA and Proteins in Male Reproductive Organs in Chicken. Journal of Poultry Science 48(4): 275-280. (J-stage)
Abdelsalam M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2011) Effects of lipopolysaccharide on the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines and influx of leukocytes in hen ovary. Poultry Science 90(9): 2054-2062 (Pub Med)
Isobe N, Kubota H, Yamasaki A, Yoshimura Y (2011) Lactoperoxidase activity in milk is correlated to somatic cell count in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 94(8): 3868-3874 (Pub Med)
Isobe N, Sugino T, Taniguchi K, Moriya N, Hosoda K, Yoshimura Y (2011)
Differential localization of lingual antimicrobial peptide in the digestive tract mucosal epithelium of calves. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 142(1-2): 87-94 (Pub Med)
Morimoto K, Shimizu M, Kurose T,
Nakatani K, Akita S, Shinozuka Y and Isobe N (2011) Efficacy of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli vaccine for bovine clinical mastitis. Journal of Dairy Research 78(2): 149-153 (Pub Med)
Sato M, Sugino T, Yoshimura Y and Isobe N (2011)
Follicular persistence induced by adrenocorticotropic hormone administration in goats. J Reproduction and Development 57(2): 212-216 (Pub Med)
Abdel Mageed AM, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y (2011)
Changes in the Density of Immunoreactive
Avian beta-Defensin-3 and -11 in the Hen Uterus in Response to Lipopolysaccharide Inoculation. Journal of Poultry Science 48(1): 73-77 (J-stage)
Das S, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y (2011) Expression of Toll-like Receptors and Avian beta-Defensins and Their Changes in Response to Bacterial Components in Chicken Sperm. Poultry Science 90: 417-425
(Pub Med)
Utsumi T and Yoshimura Y (2011)
Applicability of lectin-histochemistry in test system with in ovo Treatment for Detecting Androgenic and Anti-androgenic Effects of Chemicals in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica). Poultry Science 90: 168-174 (Pub Med)
Das S, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Analysis of Changes in the Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-betas in the utero-vaginal Junction of Hen Oviduct in Response to Sperm Concerning Their Significance in Sperm Survivability. Journal of Poultry Science 47(4): 326-332J-stage
Yoshimura Y, Oda M, Isobe N : Effects of Feeding Probiotics on the Localization of Cells Containing Immunoreactive Interleukin-6 in the Intestine of Broiler Chicks. Journal of Poultry Science 47(3): 250-255J-stage
Mohamed AMA, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Changes in the Localization of Immunoreactive Avian Beta-Defensin-8, -10 and -12 in Hen Ovarian Follicles during Follicular Growth
. Journal of Poultry Science 47(1):77-84 J-stage(JPS Outstanding Paper Award)
Isobe N, Morimoto K, Nakamura J, Yamasaki A, Yoshimura Y: Intramammary Challenge of Lipopolysaccharide Stimulates Secretion of Lingual Antimicrobial Peptide into Milk of Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science 92(12):6046-6051(Pub Med)
Abdel Mageed AM, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y: Immunolocalization of avian beta-defensins in the hen oviduct and their changes in the uterus during eggshell formation. Reproduction138(6):971-978 (Pub Med)
Utsumi T and Yoshimura Y: Sensitive embryonic endpoints with in ovo treatment for detecting
androgenic and anti-androgenic effects of chemicals in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Poultry Science 88 :1052-1059(Pub Med)
Yoshimura Y, Tsuyuki C, Subedi K, Kaiya H, Sugino T, Isobe N:
Identification of Ghrelin in Fertilized Eggs of Chicken. Journal of Poultry Science 46: 257-259 (J stage)
Isobe N, Nakamura J, Nakano H, Yoshimura Y: Existence of Functional Lingual Antimicrobial Peptide (LAP) in Bovine Milk. Journal of Dairy Science 92(6):2691-2695 (Pub Med)
Ozoe A, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and TLR4 response to lipopolysaccharide in hen oviduct. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 127(3-4): 259-268 (Pub Med)
Das S, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Changes in the expression of interleukin-1beta and lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF factor in the oviduct of laying hens in response to artificial insemination. Reproduction 137(3):527-536(Pub Med)
Isobe N, Hosoda K, Yoshimura Y: Immunolocalization of lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP) in the bovine mammary gland. Animal Science Journal 80(4): 446-450 Wiley
Kawarasaki T, Otake M, Tsuchiya S, Shibata M, Matsumoto K, Isobe N.: Co-transfer of parthenogenotes and single porcine embryos leads to full-term development of the embryos.Animal Reproduction Science 112(1-2):8-21 (Pub Med)
Shimizu M, Watanabe Y, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Expression of Avian {beta}-Defensin 3, an Antimicrobial Peptide, by Sperm in the Male Reproductive Organs and Oviduct in Chickens: An Immunohistochemical Study. Poultry Science 87(12):2653-2659 (Pub Med)
Das SC, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Mechanism of Prolonged Sperm Storage and Sperm
Survivability in Hen Oviduct: A Review. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 60:477-481)(Pub Med)
Yamamoto I, Yoshimura Y, Tsukuda A, Kansaku N, Tsushima N, Tanaka M: Predominant expression of growth hormone secretagogue receptor in the caudal lobe of chicken pituitary and parallel developmental increase in expression of pituitary GH and proventriculus ghrelin mRNA. Animal Science Journal 79(1):116-121 (Wiley)
Subedi K, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Changes in the Localization of Immunoreactive Avian beta-defensin-12 in Ovarian Follicles during Follicular Growth and in Response to Lipopolysaccharide. Journal of Poultry Science 45(3) 210-214(J stage)
Abdel Mageed AM, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y : Expressions of Avian β-Defensins in the Oviduct and Vaginal Response to Lipopolysaccharide for their Induction in Hens. Poultry Science 87:979-984(Pub Med)
Das SC , Chowdhury SD, Khatun MA, Nishibori M, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y : Poultry production profile and expected future projection in Bangladesh. World's Poultry Science Journal 64:99-118
Ghanem ME, Isobe N, Kubota H, Suzuki T, Kasuga A, Nishibori M:Ovarian Cyclicity and Reproductive Performance of Holstein Cows Carrying the Mutation of Complex Vertebral Malformation in Japan. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 43(3)346-350. (Pub Med)
Isobe N, Kitabayashi M, Yoshimura Y: Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in bovine cystic follicles. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 43(3)267-271 (Pub Med)
Subedi K, Isobe N, Nishibori M, Yoshimura Y: Changes in the Expression of Toll-Like Receptor mRNAs During Follicular Growth and in Response to Lipopolysaccharide in the Ovarian Follicles of Laying Hens.Journal of Reproduction and Development 53(6):1227-1235 (J stage)
Yoshimura Y, Tsuchida M, Nakamura J, Saito T, Isobe N and Iijima N: Preparation and Application for Immunocytochemistry of Antibody to Gallinacin-3, an Antimicrobial Peptide, in Chicken.
Journal of Poultry Science 44 (4) 433-438 (J stage)
Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Deficient proliferation and apoptosis in granulosa and theca interna cells of bovine cystic follicle. Journal of Reproduction and Development 53(5):1119-1124 (J stage)
Yanai Y, Isobe N, Yamashiro H, Maeda T: Changes in fecal progestagen profile after excretion in miniature pigs. Journal of Reproduction and Development 53(5):1107-1112 (J stage)
Das SC, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Changes in the mRNA expressions of sperm Transforming Growth Factor beta-isoforms and their receptors with reference to fertility during in vitro storage of fowl semen. Journal of Poultry Science 44(2): 189-197 (J stage)
Subedi K, Isobe N, Nishibori M, Yoshimura Y:Changes in the Expression of Gallinacins, Antimicrobial Peptides, in Ovarian Follicles during Follicular Growth and in Response to Lipopolysaccharide in Laying Hens (Gallus domesticus). Reproduction 133(1), 127-33 (Pub Med)
Isobe N, Nakao T, Shimada M, Fukumoto Y, Watanabe H, Minami S, Noda A, Yoshimura Y: Fecal progestagen and estrone during pregnancy in a giraffe: A case report. Journal of Reproduction and Development 53(1):159-164 (J stage)
Isobe N, Yamada K, Yoshimura Y:Involvement of plasma progesterone, estradiol-17b and cortisol in ovulatory response to gonadotropin releasing hormone in dairy cows with cystic follicles. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 42 (4): 370-375 (Pub Med)
Yoshimura Y, Mizuguchi M, Fujii M, Isobe N: Enzyme Histochemical Localization of Peroxidase Activity in the Oviduct
of Immature, Laying and Non-laying Hens. Journal of Poultry Science 43(4),
401-407. (J stage)
Das SC, Isobe N, Nishibori M, Yoshimura Y:Expression of TGFbeta-isoforms and their receptors in utero-vaginal junction of hen oviduct in presence or absence of resident sperm with reference to sperm storage. Reproduction 132: 781-790 (Pub Med))
Yoshimura Y, Fukui T, Nishibori M, Isobe N: Effects of Age and Gonadal Steroids on the Localization of Antigen Presenting
Cells in the Epididymis of the Male Chicken, Gallus domesticus. Journal
of Reproduction and Development 52(3), 363-371 (J stage)
Yoshimura Y, Ohashi H, Subedi K, Nishibori M, Isobe N:Effects of Age, Egg-laying Activity, and Salmonella-inoculation on the
Expressions of Gallinacin mRNA in the Vagina of the Hen Oviduct. Journal
of Reproduction and Development 52(2), 211-218 (J stage)
Das SC, Nagasaka N, Yoshimura Y:Changes in the expression of estrogen receptor mRNA in the utero-vaginal
junction containing sperm storage tubules in laying hens after repeated
artificial insemination. Theriogenology 65(4), 893-900 (Pub Med)
Yoshimura Y, Nagano K, Subedi K, Kaiya H : Identification of Immunoreactive Ghrelin and its mRNA in the Oviduct of Laying Japanese Quail, Coturnix japonica. Journal of Poultry Science 42(4), 291-300. (J stage)
Das SC, Nagasaka N, Yoshimura Y: Changes in the Localization of Antigen Presenting Cells and T Cells in the Utero-vaginal Junction after Repeated Artificial Insemination in Laying Hens. Journal of Reproduction and Development 51 (5), 683-687. (J stage)
Yoshimura Y, Liang JX, Tamura Y: Effects of Age and Gonadal Steroids on the Localization of T Cell Subsets in the Epididymis of Male Chickens, Gallus domesticus. Journal of Poultry Science 42 (3), 193-204. (J stage)
Subedi K, Yoshimura Y: Changes in Localization of T Cell Subsets in the Ovarian Follicles during Follicular Growth and Ovulation in Hens. Journal of Poultry Science 42 (3), 215-222. (J stage)
Ohashi H, Subedi K, Nishibori M, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y: Expressions of antimicrobial peptide gallinacin-1,-2 and -3 mRNAs in the oviduct of laying hens. Journal of Poultry Science 42(4), 337-345, 2005 (J stage)
Isobe N, Kitabayashi M and Yoshimura Y: Microvascular distribution and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in bovine cystic follicles. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 29: 634-645. (Pub Med)
Subedi K and Yoshimura Y: Expression of MHC class I and II in growing ovarian follicles of young and old laying hens, Gallus domesticus. Journal of Poultry Science 42(2), 101-109, 2005. (J stage)
Yoshimura Y and Fujita M: Endocrine disruption in avian reproduction: the histological analysis. Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 16(1), 29-40, 2005.
Das SC, Nagasaka N and Yoshimura Y: Effects of artificial insemination on the structure and function of oviducal sperm storage tubules in hens. Journal of Poultry Science 42(1), 39-47, 2005. (J stage)
Fujita M, Kinoshita T and Yoshimura, Y:Concentration of orally administered nonylphenol in blood, liver and egg yolk of maternal Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Journal of Poultry Science 41(4), 268-274, 2004. (J-Stage)
Barua, A and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the expression of major histocompatibility complex class II mRNA in response to inoculation with Salmonella enteritidis in cultured hen ovarian tissues. Journal of Poultry Science 41(4), 281-288, 2004.(J-Stage)
Yoshimura, Y, Tamura Y, Jin Xi Liang JX and Okamoto, T: Immunolocalization of lymphocytes subsets in the testis and epididymis of roosters. Journal of Poultry Science 41(4), 315-321, 2004.(J-Stage)
Barua, A and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the localization of MHC class II positive cells in response to Salmonella enteritidis invation in the ovary of laying hens. Journal of Poultry Science 41(3), 193-199, 2004.(J-Stage)
Chowdhury, VS, Nishibori, M and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the mRNA expression of TGF-beta receptor types II and III in the anterior pituitary during during induced molting in hens. Journal of Poultry Science 41(2), 140-146, 2004.(J-Stage)
Yoshimura, Y: Significance of local immunity in hen reproductive organs. Animal Science Journal 75(3), 183-191, 2004.(Abstract)
Barua A and Yoshiumura, Y: Ovarian cell mediated immune response to salmonella enteritidis infection in layng hens (Gallus domesticus). Poultry Science 83(6), 997-1002, 2004. (PubMed)
Chowdhury VS and Yoshimura Y: Changes in the responsiveness of hen anterior pituitary to cLHRH-II during induced molting. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 26(4), 351-359, 2004.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y and Nishikori, M: Identification of apoptotic oocytes in the developing ovary of embryonic and post-hatched chicks in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Journal of Poultry Science 41(1), 64-68, 2004.(J-Stage)
Liang, JX, Othus, R, Wada, M and Yoshimura, Y: The cloacal test: a method for testing anti-androgenic effects of chemicals in birds. Journal of Poulty Science 41(1), 58-63, 2004.(J-Stage)
Isobe, N, Nakao, T and Yoshimura, Y: Distribution of cytochrome P450-side chain cleavage in the theca interna layers of bovine small antral and cystic follicles. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 38(5), 405-409, 2003.(PubMed)
Chowdhury, VS and Yoshimura, Y: Immunocytochemical identification of Pit-1 containing cells in the anterior pituitary of hens. Journal of Reproduction and Development 49(5), 375-379, 2003.(PubMed)
Ohashi, H, Okamoto, T and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the type I collagen mRNA expression in the isthmus during the passage of egg through the oviduct in Japanese quail. Journal of Poultry Science 40(4), 267-273, 2003..(J-Stage)
Chowdhury, VS and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the population of Pit-1 nuclei in the anterior pituitary during withdrawal and resumption of feeding in hens. Poultry Science 82(10), 1637-1640, 2003.(PubMed)
Chowdhury, VS, Nishibori, M and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the Expression of TGFBeta-Isoforms in the Anterior Pituitary During Withdrawal and Resumption of Feeding in Hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 133(1), 1-7, 2003.(PubMed)
Isobe, N , Nakao, T and Yoshimura, Y: Immunohistochemical localization of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the granulosa and theca interna layers of bovine cystic follicles. Journal of Reproduction and Development 49(3), 227-233, 2003.(PubMed)
Takata, T, Liang, J, Nakano H and Yoshimura, Y: Invasion of salmonella enteritidis in the tissues of reproductive organs in laying Japanese quail: an immunocytochemical study. Poultry Science 82(7), 1170-1173, 2003.(PubMed)
Maeda, T and Yoshimura, Y: Effects of ethynyl estradiol injection into maternal Japanese quail (Cotrunix japonica) on male reproductive function of the F1 generation. Journal of Poultry Science 39(4), 310-315, 2002.(J-Stage)
Yoshimura, Y, Chowdhury, VS, Fujita, M, Maeda, T and Obitsu, T: Effects of nonylphenol injection into maternal Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) on the female reproductive functions of F1 generation. Journal of Poultry Science 39(4), 266-273, 2002.(J-Stage)
Yoshimura, Y and Kitamura, A: Changes in the population of lymphocytes expressing CD4 and CD8 during the process of atresia of white follicles in hens. Animal Science Journal 73(6), 457-463, 2002.(Abstract)
Nishizawa, H, Okamoto, T and Yoshimura Y: Immunolocalization of sex steroid receptors in the epididymis and ductus deferens of immature and matured Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica. Animal Science Journal 73(5), 339-346, 2002.(Abstract)
Yoshimura, Y and Takata, T: Effects of intravenous injection of hens with salmonella antigen on the distribution of major histocompatibility complex class II positive cells in ovarian follicles. Animal Science Journal 73(5), 369-373, 2002.(Abstract)
Chowdhury, VS and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the population of immunoreactive S-100-positive follicullo-stellate cells in hens during induced molting. Poultry Science 81(4), 556-560, 2002.(PubMed)
Kitamura A, Yoshimura, Y and Okamoto, T: Changes in the populations of mitotic and apoptotic cells in white follicles during atresia in hens. Poultry Science 81(3), 408-413, 2002.(PubMed)
Maeda, T and Yoshimura, Y: Effects of diethylstilbestrol administration on sperm motility and reproductive function in male Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Journal of Poultry Science 39(1), 27-33, 2002..(J-Stage)
Chowdhury, VS and Yoshimura, Y: Changes of lysosomal hydrolase activity in the anterior pituitary of hens during induced molting. Journal of Poultry Science 39(1), 22-26, 2002..(J-Stage)
Isobe, N, Yoshimura, Y, Nakao, T: Disttribution of immunoreactive von Willebrand factor in the microvascular network of bovine cystic follicles. Animal Science Journal 73(2), 123-129, 2002.(Abstract)
Yoshimura, Y, Kawai, H: Structures and androgen receptor localization in the testes and epiidymis of Japanese quail hatched from the eggs exposed to diethylstilbestrol. Journal of Reproduction and Development 48(1), 79-85, 2002. (PubMed)
Chowdhury, VS and Yoshimura, Y: Cell proliferation and apoptosis in the anterior pituitary of chicken during inhibition and resumption of laying. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 125 (1), 132-141, 2002. (PubMed)
Isobe,N, Kawai, H, Yoshimura, Y, Nakao, T: Changes in the localization of immunoreactive von Willebrand factor in microvasculatur network of bovine ovarian follicles during atresia. Animal Science Journal 72(6), 473-482, 2001.
Zheng, WM, Nishibori, M, Isobe, N, Yoshimura, Y: An in situ hybridization study of the effects of artificial insemination on the localization of cells expressing MHC class II mRNA in the chicken oviduct. Reproduction 122(4), 581-586, 2001.(PubMed)
Barua, A, Michiue, H and Yoshimura, Y: Changes in the localization of MHC class II positive cells in hen ovarian follicles during the process of follicular growth, postovulatory regression and atresia. Reproduction 121(6), 953-957, 2001.(PubMed)
Barua, A and Furusawa, S, Yoshimura, Y and Okamoto, T: Effects of forced
molting on the IgY concentration in egg yolk of chickens. Journal of Poultry
Science 38(2), 169-174, 2001.
Zheng, WM and Yoshimura, Y: Organ-specificity of estrogen effects on the
induction of immunocompetent cells in the chicken. Journal of Poultry Science
38(1), 41-49, 2001
Barua, A and Yoshimura, Y: Ovarian autoimmunity and its relation to egg production in laying hens. Reproduction 121(1), 117-122, 2001.(PubMed)
Zheng WM, Izaki, J, Furusawa, S and Yoshimura, Y: Localization of immunoglobulin G g-chain mRNA-expressing cells in the oviduct of laying and diethylstilbestrol-treated immature hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 120(3), 345-352, 2000.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Tamura, Y, Nishikoori, M and Okamoto, T: Effects of diethylstilbestrol intake during growing phase on the reproductive organs in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Japanese Poultry Science 37(6), 323-333, 2000.
Isobe N and Yoshimura Y : Immunocytochemical study of cell proliferation in the cystic ovarian follicles in cows. Theriogenology 54(7), 1159-1169, 2000.(PubMed)
Barua, A, Furusawa, S and Yoshimura, Y: Influence of aging and estrogen treatment on the IgY concentration in the egg yolk of chicken, Japanese Poultry Science 37(5), 280-288, 2000.
Isobe, N and Yoshimura, Y: Localization of apoptotic cells in the cystic ovarian follicles of cows: a DNA-end labeling histochemical study. Theriogenology 53(4), 897-904, 2000.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Koike, K and Okamoto, T: Immunolocalization of progesterone and estrogen receptors in the sperm storage tubules of laying and diethylstilbestrol-injected immature hens. Poultry Science 78(1), 94-98, 2000. (PubMed)
Zheng, WM and Yoshimura, Y: Localization of macrophages in the chicken oviduct: effects of age and gonadal steroids. Poultry Science 78(7), 1014-1018, 1999.(PubMed)
Barua, A and Yoshimura, Y: Immunolocalization of MHC+ cells in the ovary of immature, young laying and old laying hens, Gallus domesticus. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 116(2), 385-389, 1999.(PubMed)
Barua, A and Yoshimura, Y: Effects of aging and sex steroids on the localization of T cell subsets in the ovary of chicken, Gallus domesticus. General and Comparative Endocrinology 114(1), 28-35, 1999.(PubMed)
Barua, A, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: The effects of age and sex steroids on the macrophage population in the ovary of chicken, Gallus domesticus. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 114(2), 253-258, 1998.(PubMed)
Barua, A, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Effects of aging and oestrogen on the localization of immunoglobulin containing cells in the ovary of chicken, Gallus domesticus. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 114(1), 11-16, 1998.(PubMed)
Zheng, WM, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Effects of gonadal steroids on the localization of antigen-presenting cells, T and B cells in the chicken oviduct. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 114(1), 45-54, 1998.(PubMed)
Barua, A, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Localization of macrophages in the ovarian follicles during the follicular growth and postovulatory regression in chicken, Gallus domesticus. Poultry Science 77(9), 1417-1421, 1998.(PubMed)
Barua, A, Howlider, MAR and Yoshimura, Y: A study on the performance of
Fayoumi, Rode island red and Fayoumi X Rode island red chickens under rural
condiction of Bangladesh. AJAS 11(6), 635-641, 1998.
Yoshimura, Y and Okamoto, H: Phagocytosis of carbon particles by theca interna fibroblasts in hen ovary. Japanese Poultry Science 35(5), 314-318, 1998.
Yoshimura, Y and Ogawa, H: Histological characterization of the oviducal structures in Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Japanese Poultry Science 35(3), 149-156, 1998.
Ohira, H, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Increase of calcium binding protein-D28K contents in the shell gland by an injection with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 into shell gland lumen in laying hens. Japanese Poultry Science 35(2), 99-107, 1998.
Barua, A, Howlider, MAR and Yoshimura, Y: Indigenous Naked neck fowl of
Bandladesh. World's Poultry Science Journal 54(5), 279-286, 1998.
Barua, A and Yoshimura, Y: Rural poultry keeping in Bangladesh. World's
Poultry Science Journal 53(4), 387-394, 1997.
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Localisation of MHC class II, lymphocytes and immunoglobulins in the oviduct of laying and moulting hens. British Poultry Science 38(5), 590-596, 1997.(PubMed)
Zheng, W, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Effects of sexual maturation and gonadal steroids on the localization of IgG, IgM and IgA positive cells in chicken oviduct. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 111(2), 277-284, 1997.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Ohira, H and Tamura, T: Immunocytochemical localization of vitamin D receptors in the shell gland of immature, laying and moulting hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 108(2), 282-289, 1997.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Heryanto, B and Tamura, T: Changes in the population of proliferating cells in chicken anterior pituitary during induced molting: an immunocytochemical analysis for proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Poultry Science 76(11), 1569-1573, 1997.(PubMed)
Heryanto, B, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Cell proliferation in the process of oviducal tissue remodeling during induced molting in hens. Poultry Science 76(11), 1580-1586, 1997.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Higaki, K and Tamura, T: Phagocytosis of sperm by the oviductal mucosa in Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. Assisted Reproductive Technology and Andorology 9 (2), 213-222, 1997.
Sawada, Y, Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Effects of gonadotropins and their second messengers on the induction of progesterone receptor in chicken granulosa cells in vitro: evidence for its dependency on luteinizing hormone and cyclic AMP and relationship to follicular growth. Japanese Poultry Science 34 (2), 94-102, 1997.
Heryanto, B, Yoshimura, Y, Tamura, T and Okamoto, T: Involvement of apoptosis and lysosomal hydrolase activity in the oviducal regression during induced molting in chickens: a cytochemical study for end labelling of fragmented DNA and acid phosphatase. Poultry Science 76(1), 67-72, 1997. (PubMed)
Kubo, H, Yoshimura, Y, Tamura, T and Okamoto, T: Ultrastructural changes of follicular germinal disc region in PMSG-primed and hypophysectomized chickens with reference to the mechanism of ovulation. Japanese Poultry Science 33(6), 357-365, 1996.
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Proliferation of granulosa and thecal cells in germinal disc and non-disc regions during follicular growth in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica): bromodeoxyuridine incorporation in situ. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 107(1), 125-129, 1996. (PubMed)
Tano-Debrah, K, Yoshimura, Y and Ohta, Y: Enzyme-assisted extraction of
shea fat: evidence from light microscopy on the degradative effects of
enzyme treatment on cells of shea kernel meal. Journal of American Oil
Chemistry Science 73(4), 449-453, 1996. (PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Changes in localization of ovarian immunoreactive estrogen receptor during follicular development in hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 100(2), 368-374, 1995.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y and Bahr, JM: Atretic changes of follicular wall caused by destruction of the germinal disc region of an immature preovulatory follicle in the chicken: an electron microscope study. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 105(1), 147-151, 1995.(PubMed)
Higaki, K, Yoshimura, Y, Tamura, T and Okamoto, T: Localization of spermatozoa and leukocytes in vagina and utero-vaginal junction after copulation in Japanese quail(Coturnix coturnix japonica). Japanese Poultry Science 32(6), 387-393, 1995.
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Effects of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone on the progesterone receptor induction in chicken granulosa cells in vivo. Poultry Science 74(1), 147-151, 1995.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Tischkau, SA and Bahr JM: Destruction of the germinal disc region of an immature preovulatory follicle suppresses follicular maturation and ovulation. Biology of Reproduction 51(2), 229-233, 1994.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Enhancement of progesterone receptor mRNA expres-sion by estrogen in the shell gland of hens. Japanese Poultry Science 31(2), 137-142, 1994.
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Electron microscope observations on LH-induced oocyte maturation in Japanese quail(Coturnix coturnix japonica). Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 98(2), 401-407, 1993.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Ultrastructural changes of oocyte and follicular wall during oocyte maturation in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 97(1), 189-196, 1993.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y, Chang, C, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Immunolocalization of androgen receptor in the small, preovulatory, and postovulatory follicles of laying hens. General and Comparative Endocrinology 91(1), 81-89, 1993.(PubMed)
Kaku, A, Chang, C, Tamura, T, Okamoto, T and Yoshimura, Y: Immunolocalization of androgen receptor in the cloacal gland of male Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Japanese Poultry Science 30(6), 413-418, 1993.
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Localization of immunoreactive androgen receptor in the ovary of PMSG-primed and non-primed immature miniature pigs. Animal Science and Technology (Japan) 63(12), 1213-1220, 1992.
Yoshimura, Y, Bahr, JM, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Effects of progesterone on the ultrastructure of preovulatory follicles of hypophysectomized chickens: possible roles of progesterone in the regulation of follicular function. Japanese Poultry Science 30(4), 270-281, 1993.
Yoshimura, Y and Bahr, JM: Localization of progesterone receptor in pre- and postovulatory follicles of the domestic hen. Endocrinology 128(1), 323-330, 1991.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Cyclic adenosine monophosphate promotes the proliferation of chicken granulosa cells in culture. General and Comparative Endocrinology 84(2), 222-227, 1991.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y and Bahr, JM: Localization of progesterone receptors in the shell gland of laying and nonlaying chickens. Poultry Science 70(5), 1246-1251, 1991.(PubMed)
Yoshimura, Y and Tamura, T: Regulation of granulosa cell proliferation by growth factors in hens. Japanese Poultry Science 28(3), 142-146, 1991.
Yoshimura, Y, Okamoto, T and Tamura, T: Localization of fibronectin in the bovine ovary. Animal Science and Techonology (Jpn) 62(6), 529-532, 1991.
Jirapat Jaisue, Naoki Suzuki, Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe. Leukocytes function in milk of endotoxin tolerant goats induced by repeated intrauterine lipopolysaccharide infusion. 日本畜産学会第132回大会 (2024年9月17-18日, 京都大学)
Nur Laili Marufah, Naoki Suzuki, Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe. Effect of lipopolysaccharide intramammary infusion on expression of
IL-1ra in goat mammary gland. 日本畜産学会第132回大会 (2024年9月17-18日, 京都大学)
Jaisue Jirapat, Nii Takahiro, Suzuki Naoki, Isobe Naoki. Continued Intrauterine Lipopolysaccharide Infusion: Its Effect on Goat Mastitis.10th Internatinal seminorof tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Nov. 8-9, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Taro Shinkoda, Naoki Suzuki, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura, Takahiro Nii. Oral administration of probiotics to laying hens enhances the barrier function of the oviduct mucosa.10th Internatinal seminorof tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Nov. 8-9, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 最優秀口頭発表賞受賞
Naoki Isobe, Keiichi Hisaeda, Tomoko Koshiishi, Naoki Suzuki. Decrease in viable bacterial counts by leukocytes during preservation of milk from mastitic dairy cows.10th Internatinal seminorof tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Nov. 8-9, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Jaisue Jirapat, Nii Takahiro, Suzuki Naoki, Isobe Naoki. Leukocytes function in goat milk after intrauterine infusion of lipopolysaccharide.日本畜産学会第131回大会 (2023年9月19-20日, 帯広畜産大学) English Presentation Award
Zi-Long Liang · Naoki Suzuki · Takahiro Nii · Naoki Isobe. Effect of milking time on yield, composition and antimicrobial component in milk of lactating goats.日本畜産学会第131回大会 (2023年9月19-20日, 帯広畜産大学) English Presentation Award
Takahiro Nii: New Potential Uses of Probiotics in laying Hens. International Symposium on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals(Sep. 14, 2023, Hiroshima University)
Suzuki N、Kaneko S, Isobe N:Rapid determination of pathogens in mastitic milk of dairy cows using Gram staining
21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations(2022年11月11-13日、ヒルトン福岡シーホーク、福岡)
平野雅人, 久枝啓一, 津上優作, 新居隆浩, 鈴木直樹, 磯部直樹:乳房炎乳における好中球の貪食能抑制が生菌数の維持に貢献する
日本乳房炎研究会第27回学術集会(2022年10月22日、KFC Hall & Rooms、東京)
孫 錦昆・鈴木 直樹・津上 優作・新居 隆浩・磯部 直樹:Changes in antibacterial component concentration in goat milk after cessation of milking.
日本畜産学会第130回大会(2022年9月15-16日、東京農業大学オンライン) English Presentation Award
平野雅人, 久枝啓一, 津上優作, 新居隆浩, 鈴木直樹, 磯部直樹:Suppression of neutrophil phagocytosis in mastitic milk.
日本畜産学会第130回大会(2022年9月15-16日、東京農業大学オンライン) English Presentation Award
Jaisue J, Nii T, Tsugami Y, Isobe N:Effect of Intramammary Lipopolysaccharide Challenge Following Repeated Intrauterine Lipopolysaccharide Infusion on Mammary Inflammation in Goats. 日本繁殖生物学会 . (2022年9月12-14日,東京大学)
Jaisue J, Nii T, Tsugami Y, Isobe N:Effect of Continual Intrauterine Infusion of Lipopolysaccharide on Mastitis in Goats. 19th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 23-26, 2022, Jeju, Korea)Outstanding Student Competition Award
Tsugami Y, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Influence of sodium acetate and sodium butyrate on tight junction barrier and antimicrobial component production in goat mammary glands. 19th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 23-26, 2022, Jeju, Korea)
Nii T, Bungo T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Effects of Chronic Intestinal Inflammation Caused by Dextran Sodium Sulfate on Function of Egg Production in Laying Hens. 26th World’s Poultry Congress. (Aug. 7-11, 2022, Paris, France)
Jirapat Jaisue, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Yusaku Tsugami, Naoki Isobe:Effect of Repeated Intrauterine Infusion of Lipopolysaccharide on Mastitis in Goat.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Shimizu M, Sugino T, Isobe N:Effects of medium-chain fatty acids supplementation on immunoglobulin level in dairy calves.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Ruri Ohno, Yusaku Tsugami, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Ken Kobayashi, Naoki Isobe:Changes in innate immune components in goat mammary gland applied with menthol.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Masato Hirano, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Gotaro Shiota, Naoki Isobe:Anti-inflammatory effect of ozone infused into mammary gland of goat.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Kohei Murata, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Kazutoshi Ueno, Naoki Isobe:Effect of oral administration of nucleotide on immunoglobulin production in goat.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Taro Shinkoda, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura, Takahiro Nii:Effects of intra-vaginal administration of lactic acid bacteria on the oviductal mucosal barrier function of the laying hens.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Yusaku Tsugami, Yuki Ishiba, Naoki Suzuki, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Ken Kobayashi, and Naoki Isobe:Effect of local heat treatment on innate immune function in goat mammary glands.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:Effects of Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum Feeding on Intestinal Environment of Laying Hens.
The 9th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 21-22, 2021, Indonesia, Online)
Shimizu M・Nii T・Yoshimura Y・Isobe N:Relationship between milk Ig level and inflammation status induced by intramammary infusion of E.coli.
日本畜産学会第129回大会(2021年9月14-16日、東北大学オンライン) English Presentation Award
Fika Yuliza Purba1, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Naoki Isobe:Lipopolysaccharides infusion into the uterus causes inflammation in the mammary gland.
日本畜産学会第128回大会(2021年3月28-30日、九州大学) 優秀発表賞受賞
Isobe N: Antimicrobial components for the local defense in ruminant mammary gland. The 3rd International Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST 3)(online) (3 Nov., Hasanuddin University)
Purba FY, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N: Inflammatory responses in the mammary gland after intrauterine infusion of lipopolysaccharide in dexamethasone-treated goats.
1st International Veterinay Science Virtual Conference (ICVS) (4-8 Oct, Hasanuddin University)
Fika Yuliza Purba, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Naoki Isobe:Lipopolysaccharides infusion into the uterus causes inflammation in the mammary gland.
Isobe N: Antimicrobial peptides in mammary glnad. Seminar of Animal Diseases and Food Safety (Sep. 25, 2019, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Gadjah Mada University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Expression profiles of avian β-defensin
(AvBDs) in the chick cecum and effect of probiotics treatment on the AvBDs
expression. The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 23-25, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Harada R, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Effect of low milking frequency on
the concentration of antimicrobial peptides in goat milk . The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 23-25, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) 最優秀口頭発表賞受賞
Isobe N, Kubo K, Ueno K, Nii T, Yoshimura Y:Effect of oral administration of colostrum on the antimicrobial peptides concentration in goat milk. The 8th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (Sep. 23-25, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Ranasinghe RMSBK, Liyanage R, Isobe N and Deshapriva RMC
: Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Bovine Blood and Milk in Human CKDu Prevalent Areas of Sri Lanka. 7th conference on Sri Lanka-Japan Collaborative Research-2019. (Aug. 24, 2019, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
Rahularaj R, Ranasinghe RMSBK, Isobe N and Deshapriva RMC
: NAGase Enzyme Activity as an Indicator to Detect Sub-clinical Mastitis in Crossbred Cows of Sri Lanka. 7th conference on Sri Lanka-Japan Collaborative Research-2019. (Aug. 24, 2019, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
Fika Yuliza Purba, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Naoki Isobe: Inflammatory
responses in the mammary gland after intrauterine infusion of lipopolysaccharide
in goats. 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association . (June 23-26, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)
Fika Purba、新居隆浩、吉村幸則、磯部直樹: Changes in inflammatory components of mammary
gland after intrauterine infusion of lipopolysaccharide in goats. 日本畜産学会第125回大会(2019年3月28-29日、麻布大学) English Presentation Award
Terada T, Nii T, Isobe N, and Yoshimura Y: Effects of TLR21 Ligand on Avian
β-defensin Expression in the Cecum of Chicks. 日本家禽学会2018年度秋季大会(2018年9月5-6日、東北大学 )
Isobe N, Kawai K, Shinozuka Y, Purba YF, Nii T, Yoshimura Y: Different concentration of antimicrobial components in bovine milk infected with different pathogens. The 30th World Buiatrics Congress . (Aug. 28-Sep. 1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo)
Kitano, N, Kiku, Y, Isobe, N, Higuchi, H, Nagasawa, Y, Hayashi, T. and
Takahashi, T.: Effects of sampling volume of foremilk for the evaluation
of somatic cell counts and bacterial counts. The 30th World Buiatrics Congress . (Aug. 28-Sep. 1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo)
Watanabe A, Murakami H, Kakinuma S, Murao K, Oomae K, Isobe N, Shinozuka
Y, Kawai K:Influence of Bovine Leukemia Virus infection on clinical mastitis.
The 30th World Buiatrics Congress . (Aug. 28-Sep. 1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo)
Kondo Y, Isobe N, Kawata R, Watanabe A, Shinozuka Y, Kawai K :Immune response during onset of coliform mastitis in vaccinated dairy cows . The 30th World Buiatrics Congress (Aug. 28-Sep. 1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo)
Yamamoto S, Hisaeda K, Koshiishi T, Isobe N, Kitabayashi M:Application of Novel Biosurfactant, Mannosylerythriol lipid-B, for improving the bovine mastitis. The 30th World Buiatrics Congress (Aug. 28-Sep. 1, Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo)
Rohuloroi R, Deshopriyo RMC, Ranasinghe RMSBK, Isobe N: Associated risk factors for bovine sub-clinical mastitis and its effects on calving interval in a population of cross-bred lactating cows in Sri Lanka. 6th conference on Sri Lanka-Japan Collaborative Research-2018. (Aug. 31-Sep. 1, 2018, University of Peradewniya, Sri Lanka)
Nuwantha LSA, Abeygunawardana DI, Deshapriva RMC, Rajapakse RPVJ, De Silva SNT, Yoshida C, Isobe N, Ranasinghe RMSBK: Optimization an ELISA for determination of progesterone in bovine whole milk. 6th conference on Sri Lanka-Japan Collaborative Research-2018. (Aug. 31-Sep. 1, 2018, University of Peradewniya, Sri Lanka)
Elhamouly M, Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Age-related modulation of the
mucosal barrier and innate immunity in the isthmic and uterine mucosa of
laying hens. 18th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 1-3, 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia)
Ishimoto Y, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N: Effect of Estradiol on Antimicrobial Components in Milk of Goat Treated with Temporal Cessation of Milking. 18th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 1-3, 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia)
Purba FY, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Changes in Inflammatory Components of the Mammary Gland after
Intrauterine Infusion of Lipopolysaccharide in Goats
. 18th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 1-3, 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia)
Kubo K, Nii T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N: The effect of oral administration of colostrum to peripartam goat on antimicrobial factors in milk. 18th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 1-3, 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia)
Nii T, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Dextran Sodium Sulfate Induced Intestinal Inflammation Causes Liver Inflammation and Lipid Metabolic Malformation in Laying Hens. 18th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 1-3, 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia)
Isobe N, Kodama N, Nii T, Yoshimura Y: Effect of mastitis on the reproductive functions in pregnant goat. 18th AAAP Congress. (Aug. 1-3, 2018, Sarawak, Malaysia)
Ye Kang, Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Effect of TLR ligands on cytokine expression in chicken follicular theca and vaccination on the response to antigen in chick ovary . The 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Immunology. (June 28-July 1, Wyndham Bund East Shanghai, Shanghai, China)
Yukinori Yoshimura, Takashi Kamimura, Ahmad Abdel-Mageed, Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe: Innate immune system in the oviduct mucosa of hens. The 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Immunology. (June 28-July 1, Wyndham Bund East Shanghai, Shanghai, China)
Naoki Isobe, Jo Ueda, Yukinori Yoshimura: Effect of tentative cessation of milking for 3 days on innate immune components in goat milk. 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association . (June 24-27,Knoxville,Tennessee, USA)
Fika Yuliza Purba, Takahiro Nii, Yukinori Yoshimura, Naoki Isobe: Changes
in S100A8 concentration in milk after intra-mammary infusion of lipopolysaccharide
. 日本畜産学会第124回大会(2018年3月27日-28日、東京大学 )English Presentation Award
Takumi Terada, Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Changes in
the expression of Avian β-defensin (AvBDs) in the intestine of broiler
embryo and chicks during their growth. 11th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. (March 25-27, A Royal Meridien Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand)
M. Elhamouly, T. Terada, T. Nii, N. Isobe and Y. Yoshimura: Expression
of the Antimicrobial Peptides and Prostaglandin E2 in Response to Infectious
Bronchitis Virus in the Uterine Mucosa of Laying hens.. 11th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. (March 25-27, A Royal Meridien Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand)
Nii T, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y: Effects of the Probiotics on the Mucosal
Barrier Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Broiler Chicks. 11th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. (March 25-27, A Royal Meridien Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand)
Elhamouly M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Mucosal antiviral innate immunity in the uterus of laying hen against infectious bronchitis virus. 日本家禽学会2017年度春季大会(2017年3月30日、神戸大学 )
Huang Anqi, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Effects of artificial insemination on exosome localization and its protein level in sperm storage tubules of hen oviduct. The XXV World's Poultry Congress (September 5-9, Beijing, China) Ch. Wu's fund Animal Genetics and Breeding Award
Mohammed E.S.I. , Takumi Terada, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura. Effects of probiotics on the innate immune-defense system by antimicrobial peptides in the gut mucosa of chicks (1).
Workshop on gut mucosal functions and health in poultry,. 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (14 August, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan)
Takumi Terada, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura
Effects of probiotics on the innate immune-defense system by antimicrobial peptides in the gut mucosa of chicks (2). Workshop on gut mucosal functions and health in poultry, 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (14 August, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan)
Mohammed ESI, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Effects of probiotics on antimicrobial peptides and pro-inflammatory cytokines expression in response to LPS in the cecum of broiler chicks. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)Young Scientists Award
Elhamouly M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Expression And Localization Of Cyclooxygenases In The Oviduct Of Laying Hens During The Ovulatory Cycle. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)Young Scientists Award
Ueda J, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Effect of temporary cessation of milking on antimicrobial components in goat milk. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)
Kodama N, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Effect of mastitis on pregnancy function in prepartum goats. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)Young Scientists Award
Matsukawa S, Sugino T, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Effect of oral administration of colostrum on immune function in the goat digestive tract. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)
Isobe N, Kuwahara K, Yoshimura Y:Effect of steroid hormone on innate immune response induced by Staphylococcus aureus in mammary gland of goat. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)
Abdel-Mageed AM, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:The expression of Cathelicidins and their changes in the vaginal mucosal tissue in response to TLR ligands in the oviduct of laying hens. The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 22-25, Fukuoka, Japan)
Elhamouly M, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Expression profiles of cyclooxygenases in the oviduct of laying hens during the ovulatory cycle. 日本家禽学会2016年度春季大会(2016年3月30日、日本獣医生命科学大学 )
Mohammed ESI, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y:Probiotics effects on cathelicidins expression in response to LPS in the proventriculus and cecum of chicks. 日本畜産学会第121回大会(2016年3月28日-29日、日本獣医生命科学大学 )
Nishikawa M, Yoshimura Y, Isobe N:Reaction of Cathelicidin-2 secreted from goats milk leukocytes to lipopolysaccharide. The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (October 20-22, 2015 Yogyakarta, Indonesia)最優秀発表賞受賞
Yoshimura Y, Ariyadi B, Isobe N:Antimicrobial peptides expression for defense system in chicken gastrointestinal and reproductive organs. The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (October 20-22, 2015 Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Isobe N, Hisaeda K, Koshiishi T, Watanabe M, Miyake H, Yoshimura Y:Changes
in pathogen number during preservation of milk derived from mastitic dairy
cows. The 6th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP) (October 20-22, 2015 Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Ichimura H, Ishikawa S, Isobe N, Hayashi Y:Effects of spineless cactus feeding on milk production, milk quality
and antioxidant capacity in dairy goat. The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (October 27-30, 2015 Pattaya, Thiland)
Ariyadi B, Isobe N, and Yoshimua Y: Effects of gonadal steroids on the
expression of mucosal barrier system in the oviduct of hens. The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 10-14, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Miura C,Yoshimura Y, Isobe N: Messenger RNA expression of innate immune
factors in bovine mammary epithelial cells cultured with estradiol. The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 10-14, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Srisaikham S, Isobe N, Yoshimura Y: Secretion of cathelicidin-2 from goat
leukocyte. The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 10-14, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) Award for the best poster presentation
Isobe N, Iwamoto C, Yoshimura Y: Association of reproductive performance with somatic cell count in milk of dairy cows. The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 10-14, 2014, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Takashi Kamimura, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Identification of transcription
factors in TLR4 signaling pathway for the induction of proinflammatory
cytokines by lipopolysaccharide in the uterus mucosa of hens. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. (October 19-23, International Convention Center Jeju, Jeju, Korea)
Yukinori Yoshimura, Ahmad Abdel-Mageed, Takashi Kamimura, Naoki Isobe:
Expression of avian s-defensins, a member of antimicrobial peptides, in
hen oviduct. 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference. (October 19-23, International Convention Center Jeju, Jeju, Korea)
E. S. I. Mohammed, N. Isobe, Y. Igarashi, Y. Yoshimura: Effects of probiotics feeding on claudins, tight junction proteins, gene expression in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chicks. 平成26年度第64回関西畜産学会大会(2014年9月8日-9日、広島大学生物生産学部 )
Yoshimura Y: Innate immunodefense system in hen reproductive organs. Poultry
Science Meeting Symposium: Avian Reproduction: Foundational Advances and
Practical Applications. Poultry Science Association annual meeting(Corpus Christi, Texas, July 14-17, 2014) (招待講演)
Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura: Effects of proinflammatory
cytokine stimulation on calbindin-D28K gene and protein expression in the
uterine mucosa of hens. Poultry Science Association annual meeting(2014年7月14-17日、Texas, USA)
Anqi Huang, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura: Role of sperm storage tubules (SST) fatty acids for sperm viability in the hen oviduct . Poultry Science Association annual meeting(2014年7月14-17日、Texas, USA)
Ahmad Mohammad Abdel Mageed, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura: Effects
of poly I:C, flagellin and CpG-ODN on the expression of avian β-defensins
and proinflammatory cytokines in the uterus of laying hens. Poultry Science Association annual meeting(2014年7月14-17日、Texas, USA)
Ahmad Mohammad Abdel Mageed, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura: Effects
of poly I:C, flagellin and CpG-ODN on the expression of proinflammatory
cytokines IL-1β and IL6 in the uterus and vagina of laying hens. 日本家禽学会2014年度春季大会(2014年3月29日、筑波大学)
E.S.I. Mohammed, Y. Igaraghi N. Isobe and Y. Yoshimura: Effect of probiotics feeding on avian beta-defensins (AvBDs) localization in chick proventriculus. 日本畜産学会第118回大会(2014年3月26-27日、 つくば国際会議場)
S. Srisaikham, Y. Yoshimura and N. Isobe: Effect of Intravenous Lipopolysaccharide
Injection on Cathelicidin-2 Concentration in Goat Plasma. 日本畜産学会第118回大会(2014年3月26-27日、 つくば国際会議場)
Ahmad Mohammad Abdel Mageed, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura: Effects of melanin and estradiol on the expression of NLRC5 in
the oviduct of laying and molting hens. 第37回鳥類内分泌研究会(2013年11月21-22日、熊本)
Kawai k, Isobe N, Watanabe A, Hayashi T, Obayashi T, Higuchi H, Iwano H,
Chiba T, Nagahata H, Oshida T: Relationship between concentrations of non-specific
antimicrobial proteins in milk and pathological condition in bovine mastitis
. 31st World Veterinary Congress (September 17-20, Prague, Czech Republic)
El Sayed I. Mohammed, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Identification of avian β-defensins, antimicrobial peptides, expression in the gastrointestinal tract of broiler chicks. 関西畜産学会第63回大会(2013年9月5-6日、滋賀県立大学 )
Bambang Ariyadi, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Toll-like receptor signaling for the induction of mucin expression by LPS in hen vagina. 日本畜産学会第117回大会(2013年9月9-10日、 新潟大学)
Ahmad Mohammad Abdel Mageed, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Identification of Nod-like receptor (NLR) expression in the oviduct of laying and molting hens. 日本畜産学会第117回大会(2013年9月9-10日、 新潟大学)
Zhang GonWei, Yukinori Yoshimura, Naoki Isobe:
Existence of cathelicidin-2 in goat mammary gland. 日本畜産学会第117回大会(2013年9月9-10日、 新潟大学)
Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Effects of avian infectious bronchitis virus on eggshell formation with reference to immunoresponse in the hen oviduct. 2013 PSA annual meeting(July 22-25, 2013、San Diego, CA, USA)
Anqi Huang, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Lipid localization and lipase mRNA expression in the sperm storage tubules of hen oviduct. 日本家禽学会2013年度春季大会(2013年3月29日、広島市、安田女子大学)
Bambang Ariyadi, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Effects of lipopolysaccharide on the expression of mucin in the lower oviductal segments
of laying, molting, and estradiol-treated molting hens : an in vitro study. 日本家禽学会2013年度春季大会(2013年3月29日、広島市、安田女子大学)
Y. Sonoda, N. Isobe, and Y. Yoshimura: Induction of Proinflammatory Cytokines and Avian β-Defensins by CpG-oligo DNA in Hen Oviduct. The 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 26-30, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand)
B. Ariyadi, N. Isobe and Y. Yoshimura: Factors Affecting the Mucosal Surface
Barrier by Mucin in the Lower Oviductal Segments in Hens. The 15th AAAP
Animal Science Congress (Nov. 26-30, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand)
Y. Yoshimura, M. Abdelsalam, K. Subedi, N. Isobe: Host Defense System Mediated by Avian β-Defensins, Antimicrobial Peptides, in Hen Ovary. The 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 26-30, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand)
N. Isobe, E. Shimomura, Y. Yoshimura: Increase of innate immune factor in milk of dairy cows during estrous stage. The 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress (Nov. 26-30, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand)
Bambang Ariyadi, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Effects of estradiol on the mucin mRNA expression in the lower oviductal segments of hens. 日本家禽学会2012年度秋季大会(2012年9月6-7日、高松市)
Yukinori Yoshimura, Ahmad Abdel-Mageed, Yuka Sonoda, Takahiro Nii, Bambang Ariyadi, and Naoki Isobe: Regulation of β-defensins expression by microbial components and proinflammatory cytokines in hen oviduct. 10th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology (2012年6月5日 - 9日、長良川コンベンションセンター、岐阜市)
Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura. Effects of repeated stimulation by lipopolysaccharide on the antigen presenting cell-T cell associated immunity in hen vagina. 10th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology (2012年6月5日 - 9日、長良川コンベンションセンター、岐阜市)
Bambang Ariyadi, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:Expressions of tight junction molecule “claudins” in the lower oviductal segments and their changes with gonadal steroids stimulation in the laying and molting hens.
Abdelsalam Mohamed, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:Effects of lipopolysaccharide and interleukins on the expression of avian β-defensisns in hen ovarian follicular tissue.
Bambang Ariyadi, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Differences in the localization and molecular size of glycoproteins forming the mucosal barrier in the lower part of oviduct in laying and molting hens. 関西畜産学会(2011年9月12-13日、岡山)
Mohamed Abdelsalam, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura: Lipopolysaccharide upregulates the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokine and recruitment of leukocytes in the hen ovary.
Ming Zhang, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Effects of lipopolysaccharide on the recruitment of T cells in reproductive organs of roosters
Yoshimura Y.: Innate Immune system in hen oviduct. Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Avian Biology 2011 (2011. 7. 11, ソウル大、韓国)
Takahiro Nii, Yuka Sonoda, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Inductions in the recruitment of T cells and expression of chemokines in response to pathogenic agents in the lower oviducts between laying and molting hens.
Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Avian Biology 2011 (2011. 7. 11, ソウル大、韓国)
Takahiro Nii, Yuka Sonoda, Naoki Isobe, and Yukinori Yoshimura: Differences in the T cell influx in response to pathogenic agents in the oviducts between laying and molting hens.
The 9th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference (2011, March 20-23, Taiwan)
Y. Yoshimura, M. Abdelsalam, K. Subedi, and N. Isobe:
Innate Immune System Mediated by Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) and Avian Beta-defensins (avBDs) in Hen Ovarian Follicles
The 9th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference (2011, March 20-23, Taiwan)
Abdelsalam Mohamed, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Changes in the Expression of Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-6 in Response to Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the Ovarian Follicles of Laying Hens.
Yaqiong Huang, 細田謙次, 吉村幸則,磯部直樹:
Immunolocalization of lingual antimicrobial peptide and lactoferrin
in the bovine mammary gland.
N. Isobe:
Follicular cyst: ovulation disorder and the delay of regression.
A. M. Abdel Mageed, N. Isobe, and Y. Yoshimura:
Localization of avian beta-defensins in hen uterus and their changes with ovulatory cycle and lipopolysaccharide stimulation.
The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 23-27, 2010, Pingtung, Taiwan)
Y. Watanabe, N. Isobe, and Y. Yoshimura :
Studies on the Innate Immune System in the Male Reproductive Organs in Chickens.
The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 23-27, 2010, Pingtung, Taiwan)
S. C. Das, N. Isobe and Y. Yoshimura :
Expression of Toll-Like Receptors and Avian b-Defensin: a Host Innate Immune System in Chicken Sperm.
The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 23-27, 2010, Pingtung, Taiwan)
Y. Yoshimura:
Host Defense Systems in the Oviduct and Their Changes with Egg-laying Activity and Aging in Hens.
The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 23-27, 2010, Pingtung, Taiwan)
Y Yoshimura, M Oda and N Isobe :
Increase of the Frequency of Interleukin (IL)-6 Cells by probiotics in the Chick Intestine.
The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 23-27, 2010, Pingtung, Taiwan)
Naoki Isobe, Kazuhiro Kawai, Kiyoshi Korematsu, Kiyoshi Akiyama, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Concentration of lingual antimicrobial peptide in milk of cows with clinical mastitis.
The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress (August 23-27, 2010, Pingtung, Taiwan)
Shubash C Das, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Expression of toll-like receptors and avian beta-defensins and their change in response to LPS in chicken sperm.
Ahamad Mohamad Abdel Mageed, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Transmission of avian beta-defensins from the uterus mucosa to egg-shell membrane egg-shell.
Shubash C Das, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura:
Expression of avian beta-defensins (avBDs) and toll-like receptors in chicken sperm.
Mohamed Abdelsalam, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura:
Changes in the localization of immunoreactive avian beta-defensin-8, 10 and 12 in hen ovarian follicles during follicular growth.
Mohamed Abdelsalam・Naoki Isobe・Yukinori Yoshimura :
Immunolocalization of beta-defensins-2, -11, and -12 in the ovary of immature and laying hens.
AM Abdel Mageed, N Isobe, Y Yoshimura :Changes in the localization of avian beta-defensins in the uterus during egg formation in hens. 第109回日本畜産学会大会(2009年3月、藤沢)
Das, SC: Studies on the immunosuppression mechanism for the survival of sperm in hen oviduct.日本家禽学会2008年度秋季大会(2008年8月28日 、青森)
Das SC, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y: Significance of TGF-beta isoforms and their receptors in utero-vaginal junctionof hen oviduct for their sperm storage. XXIII World's Poultry Congress 2008(2008年6月30日‐7月4日,ブリスベン)
Yoshimura Y: Oviduct responses to sperm in chicken model. 第28回米国生殖免疫学会(2008年6月11-14日,シカゴ)
Ozoe, A, Isobe N and Yoshimura Y: Toll-like receptor 4 expression and recognition of lipopolysaccharide in hen oviduct. 第28回米国生殖免疫学会(2008年6月11-14日,シカゴ)
Das Shubash, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Effects of ursolic acid on the egg fertility and sperm survivability in the oviduct of Japanese quail.第107回日本畜産学会大会(2007年3月、神奈川)
Kalpana Subedi, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura: 産卵鶏の卵胞におけるTOLL様受容体の発現とその卵胞成長とリポ多糖刺激に伴う変化. 日本家禽学会2006年度秋季大会(2006年9月、仙台)
Kalpana Subedi, Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura: Changes in the expression of Toll-like receptor-4 during follicular growth and in response to lipopolysaccharide in ovarian follicle of laying hens. AAAP (September 18-22, 2006, Busan, Korea)
Shubash Chandra Das・Naoki Isobe and Yukinori Yoshimura: Significance of TGFbeta in the mechanism of sperm storage in the sperm storage tubules of hen oviduct. AAAP (September 18-22, 2006, Busan, Korea)
Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura: Apoptosis in the granulosa and theca layers of bovine cystic follicles containing various concentrations of steroid hormone. AAAP (September 18-22, 2006, Busan, Korea)